New Moon Announcement
“The earth road to birth!”
Our feet are on the ground,
We step into our new moon with our bodies reaching for the skies...
According to the Kabbalistic calendar, we celebrate the birth of the new moon in Virgo. Thus, we leave the lion, ruled by the fire element, and step on the ground.
This new moon is again very important in a kabbalistic sense! Elul (September) is a strong and powerful month. This month the universe helps us correct our past mistakes so we can purify our present.
This month makes our positive actions even more powerful as the Virgo effect creates a surge that helps choose positivity.
This month also means the end of the calendar, resetting the cycle and entering the new year with the new year.
According to Kabbalah, this new moon we enter, the eve times, takes place with introspection rather than just celebrations.
As befits the ear, the wheat and chaff are separated. “What have I done, what have I sown, what have I reaped?” Issues such as these are discussed one by one.
The account book of the year is laid out on the table. Humanity faces everything it needs to face in this journey towards its own birthday - in order not to face the same thing karmically the next year, not to experience the same thing.
During these weeks, we are working in an area where we can experience purification in the shamanic field, through kabbalistic unions, and bring the transformation from the soil to the sky, to the "kether" kingdom.
We start our new month with a gratitude notebook. By being grateful, elaborating on gratitude and multiplying the beauties...
You can make a difference by detailing what you are good at and the reasons in your conversations with your friends who call you, and then you can multiply and spread their good and beautiful details by calling the people around you and asking them.
Compassion will be at the forefront this month.
“How can I find compassion in what I call darkness?”
This question could be the guide of the month.
By lowering the soil temperatures (climate), it penetrates us with its coolness and maturity.
I especially love cooking and baking in the soil of this month, as it is part of my sun and guide.
If you lean into it, the earth will guide and heal you with motherly compassion.
Clear your desk this month. Just have a notebook on you; Look at what you have and what's left. It's too early to think about what they will do. It's time for reckoning!
According to Kabbalah, people, trees, animals, everything that exists has a birthday. HUMAN's birthday is in a few weeks!
The preparation process for birth is intense. It includes not only happiness but also rush and closure.
“May God save you, feel relieved in one breath
beautiful HUMAN"...
Chodesh Tov!
(Happy new month and happy new month)
September 4, 2024
Virgo 1 Elul 5784
Rosh Chodesh Elul 2day
Circle of Life with Felis Kohen
The Circle of Life© which Felis Kohen will hold space
will be starting on 28-30 July.
The Circle of Life© is the sacred journey of transformation.
His life is no longer guided by wounds or fate,
life as original journey of starting the moon.
We create the world as we truly want it, in our own space and beyond.
I am happy to present you the circle of life.
This is a very powerful path of self-awareness, healing, and transformation.
The Circle of Life can be taken online or in person. It consists of a total of 5 directions in the form of 4 main directions and 1 intermediate direction. The duration of the main directions is 4 days, and the intermediate direction is 2 days. After each direction, an average of 1.5 months is required before moving on to the next direction. This period may vary depending on the situation of the group.
Click for circle of life information.
To register and for details you can contact via
@urbanshamansacademy instagram account or e-mail address.
Medicine Wheel with Felis Kohen
The Medicine Circle© which Felis Kohen will hold space
will be starting soon.
The Medicine Circle is the school where those who have
completed the Circle of Life and want to continue on this
path are trained as Medicine Women and Medicine Men.
Candidates are trained with great care and seriousness.
By giving free individual sessions as "case studies" during the education process, they gain experience, serve and increase their wisdom. It is expected that 12 case studies per direction will be made and these studies will be reported in a format to be directed to the student at the end of each direction.
As a result of the completed case studies, the candidates take the exam and the successful ones start giving individual sessions and holding space for some of the other ceremonies they take at the Medicine Circle.
Applicants are expected to apply with a letter of intent stating their reasons for wanting to join the Medical Circle. The students who will start the circle accept that all intellectual and industrial rights of the educational content belong to Urban Shamans Academy, with a contract containing the content and conditions, and that they will keep any material provided confidential and will not share them with third parties or organizations.
Completion of all basic and special trainings is compulsory and is different from the trainings received in the Circle of Life.
To register and for details, you can contact @urbanshamansacademy instagram account or e-mail
*This Life Circle and Medicine Circle will be given together exclusively. Those who wish can take both circles together or join the Circle of Life only, or those who have done the Circle of Life before can only join the Circle of Medicine.
Women's Circle with Felis Kohen
"Women's Circle" with Felis Kohen will take place soon.
This circle, consisting of a total of 4 directions, will last eight weeks and we will meet online. We will be together in this ancient space, where we will meet every two weeks and will last 2.5 hours. While working between meetings, continuous sharing will continue in the chat room. Each of the bi-weekly meetings will open the door to a different transformation.
- First Aspect: Empowering yourself as a woman, owning the wound, healing/giving birth, your mission in this world is to become a temple.
- Second Direction: Honor your cycles, step into initiates. (menarche, motherhood, wise woman)
-Third Aspect: Sacred potions, moon and menstrual blood rites, sacred sexuality, forms of healing for man (wife and/or lover)
-Fourth Direction: How to guide the women and girls around you, how to keep mourning areas, to take care of the temple.
(Note: The content may change with the dynamics of the group, meetings may take longer)
For reservation, appointment and fee information;
@urban.priestess.institution (Instagram) (e-mail)
Kabbalah & Nagual & Zohar Connection
Our topics will be the connection of the Nagual and Kabbalah, the essence of God, the origin and structure of the universe, the nature of the soul, our evolution, the relationship between the ego and darkness, the "real self" and the "light of God/Goddess" and "universal energy".
"The depth of the wisdom of The Zohar is locked behind thousands of doors."
With the meditations we will do every week and the Aramaic keys we will receive according to the subject of the group, we gradually open the doors, ascending from the roots of the tree of life to its crown.
Participation conditions :
• Willingness to transform
• Being ready to face their shadow
• Having a desire to have more light in your life
• Being ready to work
Note: Curiosity is not a valid reason to participate. Every week, the energy of that week is met. Our lessons continue with the workshops held over 2,5 hours and the homework given afterwards.
For information and registration @urbanshamansacademy
"I bow down in front of this cedar, from which I continue to feed on the science of the madrasa, without ever giving up as a student.
I borrowed it to share what I know. I'm about to meet on this journey I've set up to share the fruits of my journey that I started walking in my own mystery for a long time."
Felis Kohen
Guides' Circle of Life
Caner Öngay
Great Circle (Circle of Life and Circle of Medicine)
6 Eylül 2024
Starts with the South - Water direction
Contact for details:
Pelin Buğra
Circle of Life
4 Ekim 2024
Starts with the South - Water direction
Contact for details:
Nida Şahin
Circle of Life
11 Ekim 2024
Starts with the South - Water direction
Contact for details:
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